Please visit and bookmark my new secure server site:https://www.tagsync.comIn early 2018 also please investigate how theta-alpha-gamma synchrony neurofeedback becamehttps://www.livecomplexitytraining.comFor software, hardware and training in Live Complexity Training and TAG Sync Neurofeedback please visit the new secure websitehttps://www.mindsupplies.comFor information on my transdiagnostic EEG biomarker of chronic disease and sickness behavior, please review the Kuramoto oscillator model and related pages at
Please visit and bookmark my new secure server site:https://www.tagsync.comIn early 2018 also please investigate how theta-alpha-gamma synchrony neurofeedback becamehttps://www.livecomplexitytraining.comFor software, hardware and training in Live Complexity Training and TAG Sync Neurofeedback please visithttps://www.mindsupplies.comFor information on my transdiagnostic EEG biomarker of chronic disease and sickness behavior, please review the Kuramoto oscillator model and related pages at